Change column format to CSV before uploading to SQL Server database using SSIS

I am trying to load a csv file into a SQL Server database table using SSIS. Currently, before uploading the file, we open the file in excel and change the format of column B from General to Number. (if not done, the wrong data is loaded for this column)

for example, the fourth row below is the date, but before loading, we change the format of column B from general to number. which is then converted to value 42767 (correct data)

Column A Column B
1. 11622
3. DGA-435
4. 1/02/2017


Now we need to automate this process and use some logic, can this be done in SSIS? Please suggest.

Thanks, Aj


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1 answer

You can achieve this using (or C #) script and using the library

Note: you must add the file Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll

to the following directories (.NET Framework C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727

DLL directory ) and (SQL Server data dll dll directory) C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn

(using visual studio 2005 and sql 2008) and then add this dll as a reference to your script task

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Public Sub Main()

        Dim m_XlApp As Application 

         m_XlApp = New Application
         m_XlApp.visible = False
         m_XlApp.DisplayAlerts = False

         Dim m_xlWrkbs As Workbooks = m_XlApp.Workbooks
         Dim m_xlWrkb As Workbook
         m_xlWrkb = m_xlWrkbs.Open(strFile) 'strFile must contains the fule path ex: C:\1.xls

         m_xlWrkb.DoNotPromptForConvert = True

        Dim m_xlsheet As Worksheet = w.Sheets(1)

        'Change the second column to number
        m_xlsheet.Cells(1,2).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "0"



End Sub


Note. If you decide to achieve this with a script task, you need to learn about adding custom links inside a script task

Links that can help



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