Pandas reading NULL as float NaN instead of str

Given the file:

$ cat test.csv 


If the third column should be viewed as str


When I made a string function on the column, pandas

read NULL

str as a NaN


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv('test.csv', names=[0,1,2,3,4], dtype={0:str, 1:str, 2:str, 3:str, 4:str})

>>> df[3].apply(str.strip)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 2355, in apply
    mapped = lib.map_infer(values, f, convert=convert_dtype)
  File "pandas/_libs/src/inference.pyx", line 1569, in pandas._libs.lib.map_infer (pandas/_libs/lib.c:66440)
TypeError: descriptor 'strip' requires a 'str' object but received a 'float'


To check:

>>> for i in df[3]:
...    print (type(i), i)
<class 'float'> nan
<class 'str'> h
<class 'str'> m


I initialized dtype

on initialization but somehow it worked out above.

How to force-fix the type of a specific column?

Is there a way to automatically find these abnormal floats NaN

and change and then return to the line 'NULL'



source to share

1 answer

Works for me astype


df[3] = df[3].astype(str)

for i in df[3]:
    print (type(i), i)

<class 'str'> nan
<class 'str'> h
<class 'str'> m


Another solution is to use keep_default_na=False

in read_csv


import pandas as pd
from pandas.compat import StringIO

#after testing replace 'StringIO(temp)' to 'filename.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(temp),  names=[0,1,2,3,4], keep_default_na=False)
print (df)
   0  1  2     3  4
0  a  b  c  NULL  d
1  e  f  g     h  i
2  j  k  l     m  n

for i in df[3]:
    print (type(i), i)
<class 'str'> NULL
<class 'str'> h
<class 'str'> m


Then you can use the parameter na_values

if you need to parse NaN

in numeric columns, but it must be different, for example. NA


import pandas as pd
from pandas.compat import StringIO

#after testing replace 'StringIO(temp)' to 'filename.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(temp),  names=[0,1,2,3,4], keep_default_na=False, na_values=['NA'])
print (df)
   0  1  2     3    4
0  a  b  c  NULL  1.0
1  e  f  g     h  2.0
2  j  k  l     m  NaN

for i in df[3]:
    print (type(i), i)
<class 'str'> NULL
<class 'str'> h
<class 'str'> m

for i in df[4]:
    print (type(i), i)
<class 'numpy.float64'> 1.0
<class 'numpy.float64'> 2.0
<class 'numpy.float64'> nan




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