IOS Fastlane (TestFlight) deployment - how to enable demo BETA credentials?

Started using Fastlane for automatic deployment and a very impressive set of tools.

One secret: When submitting a BETA build to Apples TestFlight, how do you pass the Demo account credentials (username and password)? The docs don't seem to speak.

There seems to be some hints here: spaceship / spec / test_flight / app_test_info_spec.rb

And there seems to be a way to pass this information for actual submissions to the App Store: [see app_review_information] ... but not for TestFlight beta tests.

How do you make the equivalent for downloading BETA?

Many thanks!


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1 answer

You need to use Appfile

, pilot

use it likedeliver

Here is the document.

My Appfile for ex. is an:

app_identifier ENV["app_identifierEnterprise"] # The bundle identifier of your app
apple_id ENV["accountAppleId"] # Your Apple email address
team_name ENV["teamNameEnterprise"]
team_id ENV["teamIdEnterprise"]

for_platform :ios do

    for_lane :releaseBeta do
        app_identifier ENV["app_identifier"]
        apple_id ENV["accountAppleId"]
        team_name ENV["teamName"]
        team_id ENV["teamId"]


I am using .env

(file to set these variables) but you just need to replace ENV ["] with" ValueYouWant "

Hope it helps.



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