Laravel: How to create a upload response for an external file?

I know there have already been questions about uploading files with Laravel, but everything I've found deals with local files.

So, normally, I would do something like this:

$path = storage_path().'/my-file.pdf';
$name = 'new-name.pdf';
$headers = '....';

return response()->download($path, $name, $headers);


But , what should I do when the file I need to upload is external , putting it under

I could use the copy () function or a combination of file_get_contents () and Laravel's Storage :: put () , but I don't want to store it locally locally (and temporarily) every time a download is processed. Instead, I want to download an external file directly through the user's browser.

In simple PHP, it would be something like this . But...

(1) How to prepare a response like this for a Laravel download?

(2) How can I make sure the Laravel solution stays efficient (like memory leaks)?


source to share

2 answers

The following will work:

 return response()->stream(function () {
      //Can add logic to chunk the file here if you want but the point is to stream data
      readfile("remote file");
 },200, [ "Content-Type" => "application/pdf", 
          "Content-Length" => "optionally add this if you know it", 
           "Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=\"filename.pdf\"" 


This works using Symphony StreamedResponse



you can pass a full link to the file like to the balde file and


<a href="{{ link_of_file }}" download=download>Download File </a>


it will download the file to the user's computer directly



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