Laravel - Downloads

Hi I am trying to fix the Laravel loading error I am dealing with. I have the correct route setup and the correct function in the controller. I can also confirm that I have access to the file because I created the file using the same route and returned it. By doing this, I was able to successfully return the contents of the file. However, when I try to use the button from the view and call the controller function, I get this error:

FileNotFoundException in File.php line 37:
The file "The file "2016-04-04_07-21-50 - Pinging host:
2016-04-04_07-21-50 - Host is up!
2016-04-04_07-21-50 - Pinging host:
2016-04-04_07-21-53 - Pinging host: ...


Now, here is the code that led to this error:


<a class="btn btn-default col-md-12" href="/getDownload/{{ $now }}" role="button">Download Today Log</a>



public function getDownload($id)
      $file = File::get("../resources/logs/$id");
      $headers = array(
           'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
      #return Response::download($file, $id. '.' .$type, $headers); 
      return response()->download($file, $id.'txt', $headers);


What I guessed is that I am getting HTTP 500 error. However, my inspection does not provide me with any other information. Any idea what's going on?


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3 answers

Try the following:

public function getDownload($id)
    // $file = File::get("../resources/logs/$id");
    $headers = array(
       'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
    #return Response::download($file, $id. '.' .$type, $headers); 
    return response()->download("../resources/logs/$id", $id.'txt', $headers);


From the docs:

The download method can be used to generate a response that forces the user's browser to download the file at a given path.

return response () → download ($ pathToFile, $ name, $ headers);



The first argument to the upload method must be the path to the file, not the file itself.

The download method can be used to generate a response that forces the user's browser to download the file at a given path ....




Follow these two steps:

  1. Find file details using model.
  2. Use Laravel Response to load file using headers.

Here Blog is the model and $ id is the primary key that points to the file. The name of the column in our table where the filename was saved is cover_image, so $ file_name = $ blog-> cover_image; provides us with the filename. Suppose our file is present in the upload / images / public folder of Laravel.


'public function download(Blog $blog,$id){
    $headers = array(
        'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
    return response()->download($pathToFile.$file_name, $download_name, $headers);



'Route::get('{id}/file-download',['as'=>'file-download','uses'=>'BlogsController@download']); ' 



Here ['id' => 1] indicates that we are going to download a file that has a primary key as 1. If you want to download another one, just change it to any n integer.

'<a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ route('file-download',['id'=>1]) }}">Download</a>





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