Routing doesn't work in production

I was developing a web application in Angular 2, it worked fine in my localhost, but when I put it in production, my subdomain replaces the empty string

My production server is http: // foobar: 8888 / Hrms

where "Hrms" is the subdomain where I posted my "file post"

when i run locally url was: http: // localhost: 50739 / # / access / login and the server will automatically have no subdomain: http: // foobar: 8888 / # /

I tried http: // foobar: 8888 / hrms / # / access / login but it will still be http: // foobar: 8888 / # / automatically


var domainName = "";
if (location.hostname !== "localhost")
    domainName = "HRMS/";

const appRoutes: Routes = [
    path: "access", component: AccessComponent,
    children: [
        { path: "", redirectTo: "login", pathMatch: "full" },
        { path: domainName + "login", component: LoginComponent, data: { title: "Login" }, canActivate: [UserGuard] },
        { path: domainName + "forgot-password", component: ForgotPasswordComponent, data: { title: "Forgot Password" }, canActivate: [UserGuard] },
        { path: domainName + "not-found", component: PageNotFoundComponent, data: { title: "Page Not Found" } },
        { path: domainName + "lock-me/:path", component: LockComponent, data: { title: "Locked" }, canActivate: [LockGuard] }
    path: "app", component: LayoutComponent,
    canActivate: [AuthGuard],
    children: [
        { path: "", redirectTo: "getting-started", pathMatch: "full" },
        { path: domainName + "dashboard", component: DashboardComponent, data: { title: "Dashboard" } },
        { path: domainName + "getting-started", component: GettingStartedComponent, data: { title: "Getting Started" } },
        { path: domainName + "accounts", component: AccountsComponent, data: { title: "Accounts" } },
        { path: domainName + "organization", component: OrganizationComponent, data: { title: "Organization" } },
        { path: domainName + "interviews", component: InterviewsComponent, data: { title: "Interviews" } }
    { path: "", redirectTo: domainName + "access/login", pathMatch: "full" },
    { path: "**", redirectTo: domainName + "access/not-found", pathMatch: "full" }

    imports: [
        RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes, { useHash: true })
    exports: [
export class AppRouting { }


Please let me know when I did wrong. Thanks.


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3 answers

You need to change the base tag

in the file index.html


<base href="/">

before <base href="/hrms">

This tag is used by the angular router to find out where the base of each route is, why it is not working in development while it is in dev.



As @supamiu said, the problem is most likely in the base href. But instead of hardcoding the path in index.html when you are producing production artifacts, use the -base-href your_app_prefix flag. This way the final index file will contain the correct href base and the application should work as expected.



check it out:

there is a section for creating web.config.



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