Loading form data from Angular 2 to Slim PHP API

I pulled my hair on this one. Is there a way to parse form data in Slim PHP that puts the data into an array (like JSON). I may have missed something, but all I tried was pushing data out of a single array with no way to target form data. Any help was appreciated.

Angular Component (executed on form submission):

let memory: any = new FormData();

if (this.memory_images) {
  for(var i = 0; i < this.memory_images.length; i++) {
    memory.append('memory_images', this.memory_images[i], this.memory_images[i].name);
memory.append('memory_song', this.memory_song);
memory.append('memory_text', this.memory_text);
memory.append('memory_author', this.memory_author);
memory.append('memory_collection', this.memory_collection);

this.memoriesService.saveMemory(memory).subscribe(data => {
  // returns empty array


Angular memoriesService:

  let headers = new Headers();
  return this.http.post('http://{{ my api route }}/api/v1/memories', memory, {headers: headers})
  .map(res => res);


Strict API route:

$app->group(APIV1 . '/memories', function() {
  $this->post('', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {
    return $response


The component always returns an empty array. Interestingly, when submitting form data via Postman, the data is returned, but as a string in an array (I only sent two parameters):

array(1) {
    string(181) ""memory_author"

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="memory_collection"



The form worked until I needed to add the ability to upload an image. I used to collect form input into an object and send it to the API as JSON. His understanding is that since I now need to attach files, I need to submit the view as form data. It's right? THANK!!!


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2 answers

I faced the same issues in Angular and Slim API and now it works great on the thesis.

1- Don't send any header in request from Angular code

2- For uploaded photos, you will get the upload image in the Slim app In the $ files array This is an example of uploading an image from Angular to the Slim API

In your component.ts

var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("image",this.image );
return this.http.post('http://Yourserver.com/UploadeFileAPI',formData)
.map(response =>response.json()).subscribe(
console.log("image uploaded");


in your Slim application

$app->post('/uploadphoto',function ($req,$res){
$topic_name=$req->getParsedBodyParam('any parm name');




From a subtle point of view, it just sets the processed body to whatever is in$_POST

, so this means that either:

  • method not POST
  • content type type is not one of application/x-www-form-urlencoded


  • PHP was unable to parse the sent data into an array

Looking at your code, I think we can exclude the first two, which implies that the data is being sent in a format that PHP does not understand.

It looks like you are trying to send multiple files, so I think maybe you need to change:

memory.append('memory_images', this.memory_images[i], this.memory_images[i].name);



memory.append('memory_images[]', this.memory_images[i], this.memory_images[i].name);


(i.e. it is an array and needs []




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