Get the top coordinate self & # 8594; calc (100vh - y)

I have an element and I want it to take up all the space underneath it to the bottom of the browser window.

Is there some way to get the y offset of an element for this? I don't know how to determine y:

.occupy-space-below {
    max-height: calc(100vh - y);



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1 answer

Instead of using calc

(since your top item is of unknown height) ...
you can achieve this easily using flexbox

/*QuickReset*/ *{margin:0;box-sizing:border-box;} html,body{height:100%;font:14px/1.4 sans-serif;}

.flex-column {
  height: 100%;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

  flex: 1;
  background: gold;

<div class="flex-column">

    I<br>have <br>unknown<br>height

  <div class="grow">
    occupy space below


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