Highcharts: How to add an arrow to the end of a connector in a pie chart?

I would like to be able to add a dot at the tip of the connector to the highchart of the pie. (using Highcharts 5.0.10)

I found out that there are <marker>

svg elements (not to be confused with the highcharts marker

api) and they can be added either:

  • through css

  • as an attribute of the element <path>


I don't see a way to apply them though.

I tried to add a marker element during an event render

in highcharts and then change the connector element to add the attribute:

render: function() {
  var marker = '<marker xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="circle-marker" refX="5" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="4" markerHeight="3" orient="auto" viewBox="0 0 10 10">'+
                                                '<circle cx="5" cy="5" r="3" style="stroke: none; fill: red;"/>' +

           if (!$('#circle-marker').length) {

           $('.highcharts-data-label-connector').attr('marker-end', 'url(#circle-marker)');


Also tried to create a style that points to this marker.

The harder part of the problem is that I want to make them dynamic (grab the color from the current point).

I may need my hands to be dirtier on SVG (I know practically nothing), but also think there is something in the Highcharts API that I am not seeing.

EDIT: This is all done inside the AngularJS directive.

point at the tip of a connector in a high-speed pie


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1 answer

You can use the svg Highcharts wrapper to create markers and attach them correctly to the load event. The problem with the marker - if you want them to have the same color as the connector, you need to create a separate marker for each - SVG 1.1 markers do not inherit color from the objects that refer to them (markers).

  load: function () {
    var renderer = this.renderer

    this.series[0].points.forEach((point, i) => {
      var marker = renderer.createElement('marker').add(renderer.defs).attr({
        markerWidth: 10,
        markerHeight: 10,
        refX: 5,
        refY: 5,
        orient: 'auto',
        id: `connector-marker-${i}`

      renderer.circle(5, 5, 5).add(marker).attr({
        fill: point.color

        'marker-start': `url(#connector-marker-${i})`


example: http://jsfiddle.net/39xvhwqo/



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