Setting up IntelliJ with Scala and SBT

I am trying to set up intellij with scala and sbt for development. I have already installed the scala and SBT plugins in the IDE. However, when I try to create a new scala and sbt project, the build.sbt file displays the following errors:

Cannot resolve symbol :=
Cannot resolve symbol name
Cannot resolve symbol version
Cannot resolve symbol scalaVersion


Here is my build.sbt file, which was generated by the IDE itself:

name := "setup"

version := "1.0"

scalaVersion := "2.12.2"


Below are the steps I followed to create the project:

Step one: File -> New Project

Step two: select scala on the left side of the pane and select SBT on the right side pane (for example, a scala based SB60 project) and click Next.

Step three: fill in the project details and click Finish. (scala version -> 2.12.2, SBT version -> 0.13.13)

IntelliJ version - IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.3


Whenever I try to create a new project, I get the following error:

Error:Error while importing SBT project:<br/>...<br/><pre>


        ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::


        :: org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.11: not found


unresolved dependency: org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.11: not found
Error during sbt execution: Error retrieving required libraries
  (see C:\Users\xxxxxx\.sbt\boot\update.log for complete log)
Error: Could not retrieve jansi 1.11
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=384M; support was removed in 8.0</pre><br/>See complete log in <a href="C:\Users\xxxxx\.IntelliJIdea2016.2\system\log\sbt.last.log">C:\Users\xxxxx\.IntelliJIdea2016.2\system\log\sbt.last.log</a>


The log file has the following content:

Getting org.fusesource.jansi jansi 1.11 ...
You probably access the destination server through a proxy server that is not well configured.
You probably access the destination server through a proxy server that is not well configured.
You probably access the destination server through a proxy server that is not well configured.
You probably access the destination server through a proxy server that is not well configured.
You probably access the destination server through a proxy server that is not well configured.
:: problems summary ::
    Host not found. url=
    Host not found. url=
    Host not found. url=
    Host not found. url=


** So I think this is a problem with the proxy settings and I should definitely use a proxy. Is there a way to solve this problem?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank.


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