Dynamically add child on load in Polymer 2.0

I am trying to upgrade to Polymer 2.0 and I cannot add children on loading the parent like I could in 1.X. I used to think I was just using a callback ready

, but it looks like all the callbacks have changed.

Look here in the section Callback Contracts have changed section.

I tried to work



on ready

and attached

, but it looks like it executes the string before it parent-element

even gets created. This throws an exception:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null


I have also tried using



where container

is id

empty <div>

inside the parent, but I get the same problem. I'm new to Polymer, so if there is a better method or framework I can use to get what I need, please let me know.


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1 answer

From the 1.x -> 2.x manual:

  • For standard DOM operations, remove the wrapper Polymer.dom ().
  • Use this.shadowRoot instead of Polymer.dom (this.root).

The callback is ready()

now asynchronous (microtask) due to webcomponents v1. To mitigate this use settimeout

, which is another browser level task and runs after microtasks. The source of the next block of code .

ready() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var distributedNodes = this.$.slot.assignedNodes({flatten: true});
  }.bind(this), 0);


If you want to delve into tasks and microgoods this blog post is great read .



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