Unity Mobile WebGL Compatibility
When I ran the WebGL version of my project on the website, it displays: please note that unity webgl is not currently supported on mobiles
When I'm ok, my game still works as usual, so why is it claiming that it doesn't support mobile phones? Can I turn off the alert?
It works on your phone and your browser, but it's still far from general support and that's why Unity discourages it .
As for disabling the warning, it was implemented at the beginning UnityLoader.js
and you can remove it easily.
var UnityLoader=UnityLoader||{compatibilityCheck:function(e,t,r){UnityLoader.SystemInfo.hasWebGL?UnityLoader.SystemInfo.mobile?e.popup("Please note that Unity WebGL is not currently supported on mobiles. Press OK if you wish to continue anyway.",[{text:"OK",callback:t}]) (...)
Therefore Unity WebGL assemblies mostly don't work on mobile devices . But you can check our article here on how to test it to see if your specific game works https://simmer.io/articles/testing-a-unity-webgl-build-on-mobile
Here is the WegGL unity solution not currently supported on mobiles.
https://naisky.com/2019/05/22/please-note-that-unity-webgl-is-not-currently-supported-on-mobiles-press-ok-if-you-wish-to-continue- in any case, good /