One sided entrances in Ember?

Ember default {{input}}

helper creates a two-way binding. What is the modern way of creating an input element that is only one way?

Google search for "one-way input using ember" gives several add-ons:

but do i need an addition?


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4 answers

The easiest way is to use normal html <input>

instead of a helper {{input}}


<input value={{foo}} />


and if you want to trigger an action on change:

<input value={{foo}} onchange={{action 'changeFoo' value="target.value"}} />


This is a one-way border and works as expected.



I believe you can achieve this with a helper oneWay()

. Check the following link. bindings

Sample code from the ember guides.

user = Ember.Object.create({
  fullName: 'Kara Gates'

UserComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  userName: Ember.computed.oneWay('user.fullName')

userComponent = UserComponent.create({
  user: user

// Changing the name of the user object changes
// the value on the view.
user.set('fullName', 'Krang Gatessss');
// userComponent.userName will become "Krang Gatessss"

// ...but changes to the view don't make it back to
// the object.
userComponent.set('userName', 'Truckasaurus Gates');
user.get('fullName'); // "Krang Gatessss"




input helpers

works with two-way binding by default.

There are various alternatives for achieving one-way behavior:

  • rendering native html tag input

    : twiddle-1
  • creating without template component with tag input

    : twiddle-2
  • using addons as you mentioned.


You don't need an addon for one way bindings -

But I would say I found quite useful in day to day development.



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