Is this a Kotlin REPL bug?

I can define a value in the Kotlin REPL like this (recursively) without getting an error:

val s: String = s


And now I am getting 's' of type NotNull but null.
And I can do something about this value NotNull

with NPE:

>>> val s: String = s

>>> s.length


You can try it on your own Kotlin REPL, it works every time.

I am using Kotlin version 1.1.2-3.


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2 answers

Yes, this is a mistake.

val s: String = s


This code compiled successfully, but it gives an error at runtime.

Error: unresolved reference: s

enter image description here



Yes, this is a REPL bug.

In the REAL Kotlin file it will complain as a "Unresolve reference"

Sorry I cannot post the img, but you can try it in your IDE.

I am using IntelliJ-IDEA 2017.1.3



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