Illegal characters in path error when composing and packaging an azure web application with a web job

I have a web application "WebApplication2" (Azure API) with a web job "WebJob1". I want to package an application along with a web job in a zip file to deploy the package to the cloud. When I do it with visual studio (Publish -> web deploy package) it works like a charm. But when I try to do it via MSBuild (for automation purposes) I get this error: Command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin>MSBuild.exe "C:\Users\levs\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\WebApplication2\WebApplication2\WebApplication2.csproj" /p:OutputPath="C:\Users\levs\Documents\webPublish\MSBuildOutputPath" /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PackageLocation=C:\Users\levs\Documents\webPublish\ /verbosity:m



C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2606,5): error : Copying file C:\Users\levs\Documents\webPublish\MSBuildOutputPath**\*.* to obj\Debug\Package \PackageTmp\app_data\jobs\continuous\WebJob1\*.* failed. Illegal characters in path. [C:\Users\levs\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\WebApplication2\WebApplication2\WebApplication2.csproj]


Do you know what I am doing wrong?

BTW, compile each project (app and web app) separately with MSBuild.

MSBuild version: Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 14.0.25420.1


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1 answer

Not sure what you used to write automation scripts, but I had problems using MSBuild in Cake with my web work. Hope this can help anyone stumbling across the same issue.

My original paths during copying were as follows:

Copying C:\Test\Portal.WebApp\build\Package**\*.* to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\app_data\jobs\triggered\PortalWebJob\*.*


I believe with this part.



To fix this, I added a slash to the end of my OutputPath.

settings.WithProperty("OutputPath", MakeAbsolute(packageDir).ToString() + "/");


I felt like a fix, I know you might not be using Cake scripts, but hopefully this can get you back on track.



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