Vapor 2.0: Where is SQLite Stored?
I am using Vapor and the built-in SQLite 3 driver:
So, I changed "driver": "memory"
to "driver": "sqlite"
to fluent.json and created sqlite.json :
"path": "data.sqlite"
But even if I use Spotlight search, I cannot find a file named data.sqlite. I also cannot use sqlite-provider
which is popular in many tutorials I have found because it is not compatible with Vapor 2:
Failed to create Xcode project: swift-package: error: unsatisfactory
Nevertheless, the data is stored somewhere: I can restart my Mac, start Vapor and see all the data.
I read a lot of similar questions, but none of the authors used Vapor, so these answers didn't work for me. I need to get this location of the data.sqlite file. What am I doing wrong?
PS I am using Xcode 8.3.2, Swift 3.1, Vapor 2.0.1. SQLite3 is installed.
Well, I still don't understand where the Vapor database files are stored, but I found this solution:
Xcode > Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme > Options > Use Custom Working Directory
I installed this to the parent directory of the project and data.sqlite appears there.
However, I still wonder where and under what name they were originally saved, even though Spotlight can't find them.
The terminal command find
can be used to search for files that cannot otherwise be found by Spotlight search:
sudo find / -name "VaporSQLite.sqlite" -print
In Vapor 2, SQLite is part of Fluent
, so SQLiteProvider
no longer required. Tutorials that use use SQLiteProvider
instead FluentProvider
For template api
Vapor 2 is enabled by default Fluent
. For a web
non-Vapor 2 template fluent-provider
you need to add in Package.swift
and then customize in code.
For swift package tools-version
dependencies: [ … .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1),
For swift package tools-version
dependencies: [ … .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.3.0")),
My discovery for a SQLite file for Vapor 2 follows ...
vapor --version
# Vapor Toolbox: 2.0.3
# Vapor Framework: 2.1.0
vapor new VaporDefaultExample
cd VaporDefaultExample/Config
nano fluent.json # edit to: "driver": "sqlite"
nano sqlite.json # create file. add { "path":"FindMeSQLite.sqlite" }
Please note that the expected location of the .sqlite is specified in the file Config/sqlite.json
cd ..
vapor update
vapor build
vapor run &
sudo find / -name "FindMeSQLite.sqlite" -print
Result: "FindMeSQLite.sqlite" is in the path /to/VaporDefaultExample/FindMeSQLite.sqlite as specified in Config/sqlite.json
# ^C quit the previous vapor run
# then create Xcode project
vapor xcode -y
# run project in Xcode
# then, repeat the find
sudo find / -name "FindMeSQLite.sqlite" -print
Result: "FindMeSQLite.sqlite" found again in path/to/VaporDefaultExample/FindMeSQLite.sqlite
as specified inConfig/sqlite.json
NOTE. If the location of the .sqlite is different from your configuration then find
macOS or Ubuntu should detect that location.
This happens when you use XCode to build and run your Vapor project. Xcode uses a local temp directory for every application that is in development. Use Vapor CLI in Terminal
$ vapor build $ vapor run
Then, all of your old databases will be removed and a new .sqlite file will be created in your main directory.