Apache user cannot create files in directory 777

I am not using SELinux and still I cannot get the apache user to create files in my cache store. Could this work without using chown

to change user to actual apache user?

[root@server live_storage]# getenforce
[root@server live_storage]# su -s /bin/bash -c 'touch /home/admin/live_storage/c50d02d942c0a3d.cache' apache
touch: cannot touch β€˜/home/admin/live_storage/c50d02d942c0a3d.cache’: 
Permission denied
[root@server admin]# ls -lsa 
total 84 
  4 drwx------. 10 admin admin  4096 24 mei 10:32 .
  4 drwxr-xr-x.  3 root  root   4096  9 mei 11:12 ..
  4 drwxrwxrwx   3 admin admin  4096 24 mei 10:33 live_storage

[admin@server live_storage]$ touch '/home/admin/live_storage/c50d02d942c0a3d.cache'
[admin@server live_storage]$ ls '/home/admin/live_storage/c50d02d942c0a3d.cache'



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1 answer

Found it out. Apache did not have execute permission on the directory /home/admin

. chmod +x /home/admin

fixed problem



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