Can't open host application from today's extension

I added a button to my app widget. After reading some tutorials and SO tips, I implemented what they wrote, but my action does not open the host application. Here's how I did in the Info.plist of the host application

And I made the url id as complete as the bundle id (com.ol.MyList) and just com.ol. Both didn't work.

And here's my action:

@IBAction func openHostApp() {
    if let url = URL(string: "localHost") {
        self.extensionContext?.open(url, completionHandler: {success in print("called url complete handler: \(success)")})


It compiled and did not fail, but completeHandler always returns "false" for "success". What did I do wrong and how do I get it right?

I also want to add another button that opens the host application and performs an action there. How to implement this case?


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1 answer

To open the host application from the Today Extension :

1.Add URL Scheme

: localHost

to host the application URL Types


enter image description here

2. Copy to open host app

from extension


   @IBAction func openHostApp()
    if let url = URL(string: "localHost://")
        self.extensionContext?.open(url, completionHandler: {success in print("called url complete handler: \(success)")})




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