GeoFire Warnings with Firebase 4.0 - Blank paragraph passed to command "@return" + other

I had zero warnings, then I upgraded to Firebase 4.0. Now I have two warnings in GeoFire that won't go away.


... / Pods / GeoFire / GeoFire / API / GeoFire.h: 108: 11: empty paragraph passed to command "@return"

... / Pods / GeoFire / GeoFire / API / GeoFire.h: 108: 5: The `@return 'command is used in a comment associated with a method that returns void

GeoFire Code

- (void)removeKey:(NSString *)key withCompletionBlock:(GFCompletionBlock)block;

 * Gets the current location for a key in GeoFire and calls the callback with the location or nil if there is no
 * location for the key in GeoFire. If an error occurred, the callback will be called with the error and location
 * will be nil.
 * @param key The key to observe the location for
 * @param callback The callback that is called for the current location


Does anyone have any information on this or at least how to safely shut up. When trying to delete a comment, it says GeoFire is locked for editing.


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