How to map build type to Android Gradle project dependency?

I have a project with two modules: library

and app


A module library

is of course a library and only has types release

and debug


The module app

has 4 flavors as well as assembly types release

and debug

, giving a total of 8 assembly options. It also declares a module dependency library

like this:

compile project(path:':library', configuration:'release')

I would like to set the config library

based on the build variant of the application: the release

build variants must use the library version release

and the build variants debug

must use the debug

library version.

The obvious answer is to list each of the 8 options and set the correct configuration and it will work, but this is not the optimal answer: it is ugly and clutters up the build script too much.

I've tried several approaches with project.configurations.all{}

and applicationVariants.all{}

, but I couldn't find a definitive way to set up the dependency configuration.

Is there a cleaner way to do this?


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