Can the @BeforStep and @AfterStep annotations be used in Java?

Is it possible to use the @BeforStep and @AfterStep annotations in Java with cucumber so that these functions run before and after each test step of the test.


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1 answer

Yes, you can.

Currently you only have @Before / @ followed by before / after each script.

If you want a hook for steps / scripts / functions / set etc, you need to have a class like your hooks class, implement Cucumber Formatter and Reporter interfaces.

When you implement these interfaces in your class, it will automatically import all methods into that class, which you will override, and then just execute sysout on each method and you will see it automatically execute.

To get this to work, you also need to add this file as a plugin to CucumberOptions.

Have a look at this Hooks class:

See also Runner class:



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