UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled Promise Rejection (Rejection ID: 22): ReferenceError: Client Undefined

This error seems to work for every request http

I make. I'm not really sure where he comes from?

(node:39390) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 22): ReferenceError: client is not defined

There is no line number in the error, but here is some sample code that appears to be calling it:

try {
    var client = await pool.connect();
    await client.query(queryStatement, queryArgumentsArray);
} catch (e) {
    console.log('Error adding updating subvendor availability data, UPDATE SQL query task', err);
} finally {
    client && client.release && client.release();


At first I thought it should come from my finally block (maybe client

out of scope), but I added and if the statement explicitly forbids trying to call client.release

if it doesn't exist:

if (client) { client && client.release && client.release() };


I am still getting this error, so I feel like it should come from these lines.

var client = await pool.connect();
await client.query(queryStatement, queryArgumentsArray);


Don't understand how to use async? To be clear, the code is working well and the requests http

are working (reacting to requests correctly), my terminal is just flooding with these warnings.

Here's a simplified version of the full route:

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var pool = require('../modules/pg-pool'); // brings in pg-pool created in another module

// This route updates the availability for a user
router.put('/updateAvailability', async (req, res) => {
    var userId = req.decodedToken.userSQLId;
    var subvendorId = req.headers.subvendor_id;
    var availability = req.body;

    var queryStatement = 'UPDATE status SET status=$3 WHERE userId=$2';
    var queryArgumentsArray = [availability.status, userId ];

    try {
        var client = await pool.connect();
        await client.query(queryStatement, queryArgumentsArray);
    } catch (e) {
        console.log('Error updating subvendor availability data, UPDATE SQL query task', err);
    } finally {
        client && client.release && client.release();

module.exports = router;



source to share

1 answer

All information here is from the brianc

creator node-postgres

who answered my question here after I received a suggestion that it might be a problem with this library (it doesn't seem to be the case). I just needed to create a client outsidetry-catch

var client = await pool.connect()
try {
  await client.query(...)
} catch { ...} 
finally {



His complete answer can be found here: https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres/issues/1301



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