Does the authentication key use APN for all my app IDs?

I have one app and its dev version.

  • I have 2 Firebase projects: myApp and myApp-dev.
  • I have 2 Apple App IDs: myApp and myApp-dev.
  • I have 1 Authentication Key which I have loaded in both of my firebase projects.

Is it correct? Does one authorization key work for all my apps?


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3 answers

I see that keys can be used across multiple applications. However, I'm in trouble since I switched to a new key like .p8.

IOS Certificates Page



The answer is yes. One key is used for all your applications. IOS Certificates Page



" One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to lead them all and tie them in the dark."Be careful while using it !!!

The answer, unfortunately, is yes you can. Be careful when using!



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