Dictionary add values ​​for the same keys

I have a list of dictionaries:

[{'name':'Jay', 'value':'1'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'9'},{'name':'Jay', 'value':'7'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'2'}]


I want this to be:

[{'name':'Jay', 'value':'8'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'11'}]


I have tried scrolling, but I cannot find an example where I can do this. Any hints or ideas would be appreciated.


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7 replies

You can use defaultdict:

lst = [{'name':'Jay', 'value':'1'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'9'},{'name':'Jay', 'value':'7'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'2'}]


1) the values ​​of the sum for each name:

from collections import defaultdict    
result = defaultdict(int)

for d in lst:
    result[d['name']] += int(d['value'])


2) converts a name-value pair to a dictionary in a list:

[{'name': name, 'value': value} for name, value in result.items()]
# [{'name': 'roc', 'value': 11}, {'name': 'Jay', 'value': 8}]


Or, if you want the value as type str commented by @Kevin:

[{'name': name, 'value': str(value)} for name, value in result.items()]
​# [{'name': 'roc', 'value': '11'}, {'name': 'Jay', 'value': '8'}]




This is a good use case itertools.groupby


from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

orig = [{'name':'Jay', 'value':'1'},
        {'name':'roc', 'value':'9'},
        {'name':'Jay', 'value':'7'},
        {'name':'roc', 'value':'2'}]

get_name = itemgetter('name')
result = [{'name': name, 'value': str(sum(int(d['value']) for d in dicts))}
           for name, dicts in groupby(sorted(orig, key=get_name), key=get_name)]



  • get_name

    is a function that provides a dictionary, returns the value of its "name". Ie, get_name = lambda x: x['name']


  • sorted

    returns a list of dictionaries sorted by key value "name"


  • groupby

    returns an iterator (name, dicts)

    , where dicts

    is a list of (ok, generator) dicts shared name

    as key value "name"

    . (Grouping occurs only for consecutive items with the same key value, so you need to sort the list in the previous step.)

  • The result is a list of new dictionaries using the given name and the sum of all related items "value"




Similar to Psidom but using collections.Counter

which is an ideal candidate for accumulating integer values.

import collections

d =[{'name':'Jay', 'value':'1'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'9'},{'name':'Jay', 'value':'7'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'2'}]

c = collections.Counter()
for sd in d:
    c[sd["name"]] += int(sd["value"])


Then you need to rebuild the dicts if necessary by converting back to string.

print([{"name":n,"value":str(v)} for n,v in c.items()])



[{'name': 'Jay', 'value': '8'}, {'name': 'roc', 'value': '11'}]




For completeness, without collections.defaultdict


data = [{'name': 'Jay', 'value': '1'}, {'name': 'roc', 'value': '9'},
        {'name': 'Jay', 'value': '7'}, {'name': 'roc', 'value': '2'}]

result = {}
# concetrate
for element in data:
    result[element["name"]] = result.get(element["name"], 0) + int(element["value"])
# unpack
result = [{"name": element, "value": result[element]} for element in result]
# optionally, you can loop through result.items()
# you can, also, turn back result[elements] to str if needed

# prints: [{'name': 'Jay', 'value': 8}, {'name': 'roc', 'value': 11}]




Another way to solve your question is with the groupby

from module itertools


from itertools import groupby

a = [{'name':'Jay', 'value':'1'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'9'},{'name':'Jay', 'value':'7'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'2'}]
final = []
for k,v in groupby(sorted(a, key= lambda x: x["name"]), lambda x: x["name"]):
    final.append({"name": k, "value": str(sum(int(j["value"]) for j in list(v)))})




[{'name': 'Jay', 'value': '8'}, {'name': 'roc', 'value': '11'}]




Here's another way to use pandas

names = [{'name':'Jay', 'value':'1'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'9'},{'name':'Jay', 'value':'7'},
         {'name':'roc', 'value':'2'}]

df = pd.DataFrame(names)
df['value'] = df['value'].astype(int)
group = df.groupby('name')['value'].sum().to_dict()
result = [{'name': name, 'value': value} for name, value in group.items()]


What are the outputs:

[{'value': 8, 'name': 'Jay'}, {'value': 11, 'name': 'roc'}]




ld = [{'name':'Jay', 'value':'1'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'9'},{'name':'Jay', 'value':'7'},{'name':'roc', 'value':'2'}]

tempDict = {}
finalList = []

for d in ld:
  name = d['name']
  value = d['value']
  if name not in tempDict:
    tempDict[name] = 0
  tempDict[name] += int(value)

#tempDict => {'Jay': 8, 'roc': 11}

for name,value in tempDict.items():

# [{'name': 'Jay', 'value': 8}, {'name': 'roc', 'value': 11}]




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