Jetty and Wildfly JNDI compatible

I'm a bit rusty on configurations as I haven't written anything from scratch for years .. I'm writing a webservice that I want to use locally with a jetty in eclipse and then on a server with Wildfly. I figured it out separately, but not so that both work at the same time. I have: In java Im looking for a dbsource with

final DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:/comp/env/jdbc/smartieDB"); 


For jetty, this works in jetty-env.xml:

<Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.JettyWebAppContext">
    <New id="smartieDB" class="">
        <Arg>jdbc/smartieDB</Arg> ..... etc



        <description>DB Connection</description>
        <res-ref-name>/comp/env/jdbc/smartieDB</res-ref-name> <!--<-this was for wildfly, for jetty this only works:  jdbc/smartieDB -->


In wildfly, a datasource is configured named jndi:

<datasource jndi-name="java:/comp/env/jdbc/smartieDB" pool-name="PostgrePool">


Any ideas how I can optimize this so that I don't have to do checks on where it is on the dock and when it runs on the server? Thanks for all the advice!

Cheers, Nikki


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