Chrome caching Firefox 302 redirects

As per the HTTP spec, when loading a resource that results in a 302 redirect:

... the redirection can sometimes be changed, the client MUST continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This answer is only available for caching if specified by the Cache-Control or Expires field.

However, in one page load, I see that the current Chrome and Firefox allow subsequent requests to the original Request-URI to the resolved value from the first request, even though the redirect does not indicate caching.

I've set up a minimal example to reproduce here:

It's on the free heroku announcer (in case you get to it offline).

Am I missing something? It seems that caching the redirect from the original response, even within the same page load, frees the description from the spec. Strong interpretation shouldn't cache this request at all.

Especially with a growing number of web applications not moving between pages for a significant amount of time, it looks like this will cause problems for an increasing number of use cases.

Is this something I have to present as a bug for Chrome / Firefox?


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