Using a Berkel solid fluorine

I am using Chisel3 in my project. I tried to import the hard float library as folow:

import chisel3._ 
import hardfloat._


but unfortunately I get:

[warn]  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn]  ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
[warn]  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn]  :: edu.berkeley.cs#hardfloat_2.11;1.2: not found
[warn]  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


I went through a couple of repos using hardfloat and found out that I was missing this line in my build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq("edu.berkeley.cs" %% "hardfloat" % "1.2")


but unfortunately I am still getting the error. Then I tried to compile projects that use hardfloat without any modification (like soundkit ), but I still get the same error. I used both terminals and InteliJ to compile my project and got the same result. For some reason the hardfloat library doesn't even show up in IntelliJ external libraries.

enter image description here

I would really appreciate it if someone would let me know what the problem might be.


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1 answer

Pedrofurla was right. After talking to people at RISC-V, I found out that as you said hardfloat is not published somewhere that sbt can download it. To use the library, you need to create and publish it locally:

git clone hardfloat    
cd hardfloat    
sbt publish-local


Note: the library works with chisel2



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