Angular Office Add-in: "Cannot find name 'Office'"

I created a new Angular project using angular-cli and then installed the Office TS definitions via npm and put the Office JS API CDN in the header of my index.html. However, in my main.ts, when I call Office.initialize = function () {}; it cannot find the name "Office" even though the namespace is recognized by TS. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Thank!

I read the following tips here:

If you want to reproduce my scenario and install Angular CLI:

ng new test
cd test
npm install –save-dev @types/office-js


Then open your project directory and go to src / index.html. Add this CDN to your header:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>


Then go to src / main.ts

And change it so that the application doesn't load the module until after it initializes Office:

Office.initialize = function(){
  if (environment.production) {



I managed to get this to work in my main.ts using:

declare const Office: any;

Office.initialize = function () {


However, this only works if the add-in is loaded in an Office application. The module doesn't seem to load in the browser and just says "Loading ...". Is there a way to load it in the browser for debugging purposes? I'm talking about how it will affect debugging and any E2E or unit tests with protractor, karma and jasmine.


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2 answers

I recommend that you take a look at Script Lab , a recently announced tool, as well as an open source demo that uses Angular 4 that you can use for inspiration. Some of the core technologies are also discussed in the project's podcast .

What we did for Script Lab, we create a Promise initialization for Office.js and optimistically await it for a few seconds. If we don't get it, we'll show a set of buttons that will help the user choose whether to launch in web mode or launch as if they were still in the add-on (and hopefully the best).

See also How to Correctly Check Host: Office, Office Online, and Web Browser



The Office.js library is not loaded in the browser and therefore Office.initialize()

does not start. But you can debug the add-in in an Office application using the F12 tool inC:\Windows\SysWOW64\F12\F12Chooser.exe

Update: You can find help for this tool here:



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