Static let calendar with autoupdating Current timezone not working

In my application, I have a static property gregorian

in a class SharedCalendar

that is defined like this:

static let gregorian: Calendar = {
    var calendar = Foundation.Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
    calendar.timeZone = TimeZone.autoupdatingCurrent
    return calendar


When I want to access the day of a date in a specific time zone, I call:

SharedCalendar.gregorian.dateComponents([ .day ], from: someDate).day!


Let's say someDate

there is Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 512658000.0)

that 2017-03-31 13:00:00 +0000


When I run my app in Vancouver timezone the property SharedCalendar.gregorian.timeZone

is set America/Vancouver (autoupdatingCurrent)

and the result SharedCalendar.gregorian.dateComponents([ .day ], from: someDate).day!

is 31

which is correct .

When I put the app in the background and switch the timezone to Sydney and start the app again, the property SharedCalendar.gregorian.timeZone

is set Australia/Sydney (autoupdatingCurrent)

(that's correct), but the result SharedCalendar.gregorian.dateComponents([ .day ], from: someDate).day!

is 31

that it isn't (should be 1


When I change the property definition gregorian

as var


var gregorian: Calendar {
    var calendar = Foundation.Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
    calendar.timeZone = TimeZone.autoupdatingCurrent
    return calendar


Everything works correctly, what for America/Vancouver (autoupdatingCurrent)

I get 31

, and for Australia/Sydney (autoupdatingCurrent)

we get 1


Now I don't quite understand how it works TimeZone.autoupdatingCurrent

. When changing the time zone, the device SharedCalendar.gregorian.timeZone

reflects the time zone of the device, but it looks like SharedCalendar.gregorian

it is using the old time zone in some way.

Does anyone have an explanation for this behavior?


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1 answer

I informed radar regarding this issue and today Apple replied:

The reason your timezone is static let

not updating is because you need to send a call NSTimeZone.resetSystemTimeZone()

to sync with the system timezone. For more information see the documentation for NSTimeZone.resetSystemTimeZone()


The reason your calendar works var

is because each call to the calendar property actually creates a new calculated calendar that is set to be set to a new time zone that represents the current system time zone.

This makes sense because it static let

caches the system timezone and from the documentation for NSTimeZone.resetSystemTimeZone

we can read:

If the application has cached the system time zone, this method clears that cached object. If you subsequently call systemTimeZone, NSTimeZone will try to redefine the system time zone and a new object will be created and cached (see SystemTimeZone).



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