Fetch POST returns HTTP 415 while curl goes fine and returns the result

This is how my code looks like

let body = {
            authCode: "XXXX",
            clientId: "YYYYYY",
            clientSecret: "ZZZZZZ"

            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
                "Accept": "application/json"
            mode: 'no-cors',
            body: body
            console.log("response: ", response);
            console.log("could not get tokens: ", error);


In Chrome this is what I see enter image description here

I tried to do it with curl command

and it looks like this:

➜  ~ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "authCode": "XXXX",
  "clientId": "YYYYY",
  "clientSecret": "ZZZZZZZZ"
}' https://api.myapp.com/oauth/token


What am I doing wrong here?


After you changed it to the following, the result is still HTTP 415

            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
                "Accept": "application/json"
            mode: 'no-cors',
            body: JSON.stringify(body)
            console.log("response: ", response);
            console.log("could not get tokens: ", error);


I wonder if I figured out I sent the header "Content-Type": "application/json"

while I get back content-type: text/plain

, why might this be happening?

enter image description here


source to share

1 answer


does not expect JavaScript object in body

. Command curl

and template fetch()

do not match. Use body: JSON.stringify(<javascript plain object>)



Note. Type body

can only be Blob

, BufferSource

, FormData

, URLSearchParams

, USVString

or ReadableStream

, so to add a JSON

facility to the payload required to create this object.

See Fetch with ReadableStream for implementation status ReadableStream

set to value for body




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