How do I declare another Jackson ObjectMapper without affecting the "clients" of the original bean?

I have a spring-boot application that provides json REST API. For mapping objects to json, the built-in jackson ObjectMapper is used, configured with spring-boot.

Now I need to read some data from the yaml file and I found that an easy way to do this is to use Jackson - for that I need to declare another ObjectMapper to convert the yaml to objects. I have declared this new mapper bean with a specific name to be able to inject it into my service related to reading from a yaml file:

public ObjectMapper yamlObjectMapper() {
    return new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());


But I need a way to tell all other "clients" of the original json ObjectMapper to keep using this bean. So I basically need the @Primary annotation on the original bean. Is there a way to achieve this without having to override the original ObjectMapper in my own config (I'll have to dig through the spring-boot code to find and copy its config)?

One solution I found is to declare a FactoryBean for the ObjectMapper and return it to the already declared bean as suggested in this answer . I found out while debugging that my original bean is called "_halObjectMapper", so my factoryBean will look for that bean and return it:

public class ObjectMapperFactory implements FactoryBean<ObjectMapper> {

    ListableBeanFactory beanFactory;

    public ObjectMapper getObject() {
        return beanFactory.getBean("_halObjectMapper", ObjectMapper.class);


Then in my config class I declare it as @Primary bean to make sure it is the first choice for auto-provisioning:

public ObjectMapperFactory objectMapperFactory(ListableBeanFactory beanFactory) {
    return new ObjectMapperFactory(beanFactory);


However, I am not 100% happy with this solution because it relies on a bean name that is out of my control and it also looks like a hack. Is there a cleaner solution?



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4 answers

You can define two ObjectMapper

beans and declare them primary, for example:

public ObjectMapper yamlObjectMapper() {
    return new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());

public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
    return new ObjectMapper();


Once done, you can use your objectmapper bean with annotation @Qualifier


private ObjectMapper yamlMapper;



You can dynamically add ObjectMapper

to Spring bean factory at runtime like:

public class ObjectMapperConfig {

    private ConfigurableApplicationContext  context;

    private void init(){
        BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(ObjectMapper.class);
        builder.addConstructorArgValue(new JsonFactory());
        DefaultListableBeanFactory factory = (DefaultListableBeanFactory) context.getBeanFactory();
        factory.registerBeanDefinition("yamlMapper", builder.getBeanDefinition());
        Map<String, ObjectMapper> beans = context.getBeansOfType(ObjectMapper.class);


The above code adds a new bean to context

without modifying the existing bean ( sysout

prints two beans at the end of the method init

). Then you can use "yamlMapper" as a qualifier for its auto-mapper anywhere.

Update 2 (from the author of the question):

The solution suggested in Update works and here's a simplified version:

private DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory;

private void init(){
    BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(YAMLMapper.class);
    beanFactory.registerBeanDefinition("yamlMapper", builder.getBeanDefinition());




Another option is to wrap the custom mapper in a custom object:

public class YamlObjectMapper {
    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    public YamlObjectMapper() {
        objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());

    public ObjectMapper getMapper() {
        return objectMapper;


Unfortunately, this approach requires a call getMapper

after you type YamlObjectMapper




I believe that defining an explicit primitive object transformer for the MVC layer should work like this:

 public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
     return Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder.json().build();


All beans that autowire object mapper via type will use above bean. Your Yaml logic can auto-connect via YAML_OBJECT_MAPPER_BEAN_ID




I just realized that I don't need to use FactoryBean, I could also declare a normal bean as @Primary and return it to the original bean, like so:

public ObjectMapper objectMapper(@Qualifier("_halObjectMapper") ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
    return objectMapper;


This makes the configuration a little cleaner, but still requires the exact name of the original ObjectMapper. I guess I'll stay with this solution.



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