What can I do to eliminate the unsafePerformIO in this Reflex.Dom code?

main = mainWidget $
  el "div" $ do
    let fileInputConfig = FileInputConfig (constDyn Map.empty)
    fi <- fileInput fileInputConfig

    let uploads   :: Dynamic t [File]            = value fi
    upload        :: Dynamic t (Maybe File)      <- (return . fmap headMay) uploads
    getNameAction :: Dynamic t (Maybe (IO Text)) <- (return . fmap (getNameText <$>)) upload
    filename      :: Dynamic t (Maybe Text)      <- (return . fmap (unsafePerformIO <$>)) getNameAction

    el "div" $ dynText (show <$> filename)
  return ()
  where getNameText :: MonadIO m => File -> m Text
        getNameText = getName


I did my best to play "connect-the-dots" with types, but I couldn't find a way without using unsafePerformIO

. I think it is safe in this case, but obviously there are other similar things that you might want to do that will not be safe.


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1 answer

For such things it is usually required performEvent

. I don't have a compiler / REPL on hand to provide more details, and the function is hidden behind some hackers like ( https://github.com/reflex-frp/reflex/blob/9575a5660334fb8a617da1cd9aa1b522e8e4ddb7/src/Reflex/PerformE4ddhvent ), but the bottom line is that if you have a carrier event IO

, you can fire it wherever that event happens.

Now you have Dynamic

, but you can

  • extract an event from it
  • maybe it shouldn't be dynamic (it doesn't make sense since you don't want to look into the value IO



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