Use localized strings in storyboard

I am new to iOS development and I was asking myself if it is possible to use localized strings from my Localizable.strings file directly into the storyboard. For example, on Android, you can do it from an XML file like this:



I figured you could make a localized version of the storyboard, but having different line files and different storyboards looks pretty ugly to me.

So, is it possible to only have string files and use what I need in a storyboard? Preferably not installing it from code?

EDIT: This is practically what I want to do: link to line in storyboard

So is it possible? Is there a legal way to call a string from there like in Android?


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2 answers

As per your requirement, this is not possible, but

You don't need different storyboards for localization

Let's say you want to localize the label string.

  • Draw and take out and modify text using

mylabel.text = nsLocalizedString ("THIS_IS_MY_STRING", nil);

Of course there will be a line in your localization file. You must have different files for different languages. Suppose you have a file for English and there should be a line there.

"THIS_IS_MY_STRING" = "This is my string";

When compiling your application, this function will use mapping to localize your application.


If you want more details check out these internationalization-tutorial-for-ios-2014 tutorials

and ios-localization-tutorial

There is a script on the web (like that will help you automatically search all your code and detect the nslocalizedString function and create strings in localizableString files. like this.


and then you just need to write the actual line. :)



I think the ability to localize String

in a storyboard has a significant advantage. I disagree with @elk_cloner that connecting IBOutlet

for everyone UILabel

is the way forward.

One way to make it work is to use the @IBInspectable property in the subclass UILabel


class LocalisableLabel: UILabel {

    @IBInspectable var localisedKey: String? {
        didSet {
            guard let key = localisedKey else { return }
            text = NSLocalizedString(key, comment: "")



The localizedKey field will appear in the storyboard and you can just add your key here.

enter image description here

What is it!



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