Spring @WebMvcTest doesn't work with Java 8 types

In a spring boot application, I have a rest controller that accepts a payload that contains a Java 8 type LocalDate

. Also I have this library:



The controller works fine when called, however the integration test @WebMvcTest

fails in this field with 400 HTTP code and this exception:

Resolved Exception:
             Type = org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException 


The date of the production call and test call is passed as:



if it matters.

Is there a way to make @WebMvcTest

Java8 types work?


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3 answers

Inspired by Eugene's tip, added the following bean configuration to the test configuration:

public ObjectMapper jacksonObjectMapper(Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder) {
    return builder.modules(new JavaTimeModule()).build();


This fixed the problem.

EDIT: Works well with simpler configuration (Spring Boot + jackson-datatype-jsr310 library on classpath):

public ObjectMapper jacksonObjectMapper(Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder) {
    return builder.build()




You must register any converter you have with MockMvcBuilders

, for example:

        .setMessageConverters(converter) // register..


Or just (I do it this way) is @Bean

that returns the already configured ObjectMapper

(s ObjectMapper#registerModule(new JavaTimeModule())

) and returns that. This one @Configuration

should be used in your test.



As far as java.time.LocalDate is concerned, you can parse / format your LocalDate directly to String, which is then processed into LocalDate using RestControllerMethod:

public class YourDateController{

@GetMapping(value = "myDateMethod/" + "date")
public void yourDateMethod(@PathVariable("date") @DateTimeFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd") final LocalDate date) {
// ... your code ...




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