Log4j registers directly with elasticsearch server

I am a little confused as to how I can put my log entries directly to elasticsearch

(not logstash). So far I've found a few additions ( log4j.appender.SocketAppender

, log4j.appender.server

etc.) that allow logs to be sent to a remote host, as well as a ConversionPattern

feature that seems to allow us to convert logs to "elastic" format, but this approach looks strange .. . or I'm wrong? Is this the only way to send logs to elastic


So far I have a configuration like this:

log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, server
log4j.appender.server.layout.ConversionPattern={"debug_level":"%p","debug_timestamp":"%d{ISO8601}","debug_thread":"%t","debug_file":"%F", "debug_line":"%L","debug_message":"%m"}%n


But I am getting the error:

log4j:WARN Detected problem with connection: java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe (Write failed)


I cannot find a useful example, so I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong and how to fix it. Thank.


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2 answers

I found the solution that best suits my requirements. It is graylog . Since it's built on top elasticsearch

, the usage is familiar, so I was able to jump straight to it.

To use it, I added this dependency along with the basic log4j2 dependencies:



and use the config log4j2.json


  "configuration": {
    "status": "info",
    "name": "LOGGER",
    "packages": "org.graylog2.log4j2",
    "appenders": {
      "GELF": {
        "name": "GELF",
        "server": "log.myapp.com",
        "port": "12201",
        "hostName": "my-awsome-app",
        "JSONLayout": {
          "compact": "false",
          "locationInfo": "true",
          "complete": "true",
          "eventEol": "true",
          "properties": "true",
          "propertiesAsList": "true"
        "ThresholdFilter": {
          "level": "info"
    "loggers": {
      "logger": [
          "name": "io.netty",
          "level": "info",
          "additivity": "false",
          "AppenderRef": {
            "ref": "GELF"
      "root": {
        "level": "info",
        "AppenderRef": [
            "ref": "GELF"




I wrote this appender here Log4J2 Elastic REST Appender if you want to use it. It has the ability to buffer log events based on time and / or number of events before sending it to Elastic (using the _bulk API so it dispatches everything in one go). It was published on Maven Central, so it is pretty straight forward.



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