How often is Firebase phone authentication required?

as of May 17, posted the expression:

The claim that auth is becoming deprecated and firebase is taking over.

The description of Firebase here is different:

They claim that up to 10k authentications / month of the phone will be free.

Does anyone know if on a single phone they mean the exact act of sending an SMS or making a phone call?

Could it be that a simple token refresh (after 24 hours) would also count as an auth request for the phone?

Also, do these 10k requests also include already authenticated users, or just new authorization actions this month?



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1 answer

firebaser here

The 10K quota is for phone number verification, not for authentication requests.

Updating the token on Firebase. Authentication occurs hourly. But this does not require re-checking the phone number. The only time a revalidation is required is if your code explicitly logs out the user, or in some unusual circumstance where the account needs to be revalidated.



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