Prevent Kotlin to force Java to see the wildcard type

This works great:

class Wrapped<out T>(val value: T)

open class Wrapper<T> {
    fun wrap(map: T): Wrapped<T> = Wrapped(map)

class Wrapper2 : Wrapper<Map<String, String>>()

val wrapped: Wrapped<Map<String, String>> = Wrapper2().wrap(mapOf())


But when I try to access Wrapper2.wrap

from Java the Map returns with a wildcard type:

    Map<String, String> toWrap = new HashMap<>();
    Wrapped<Map<String, String>> result;
    result = new Wrapper<Map<String, String>>().wrap(toWrap); // ok
    result = new Wrapper2().wrap(toWrap); // NOT ok, returns Wrapped<Map<String, ? extends String>>


I can get around this by overriding wrap

in Wrapper2

with an explicit type.

Why Wrapper2.wrap

does it return a different type than Wrapper.wrap



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2 answers

You can suppress Kotlin with wildcards in generics as described in the Kotlin link where it describes annotation @JvmSuppressWildcards

(or vice versa @JvmWildcard


From the docs:

On the other hand, if we don't need wildcards where they are generated, we can use @JvmSuppressWildcards


fun unboxBase(box: Box<@JvmSuppressWildcards Base>): Base = box.value
// is translated to 
// Base unboxBase(Box<Base> box) { ... }


NOTE. @JvmSuppressWildcards

can be used not only for individual type arguments, but for all declarations such as functions or classes, causing all wildcards within them to be suppressed.




class Wrapper2 : Wrapper<Map<String, String>>()



class Wrapper2 : Wrapper<MutableMap<String, String>>()


You will see in the Kotlin source,

public interface Map<K, out V> {



public interface MutableMap<K, V> : Map<K, V> {


I believe out V

- the reason you are getting ? extends String

see Covariance under the generics docs for Kotlin and a quick google search should give you a deeper understanding of covariance and contravariance in Java



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