Which version of the .Net standard should be used in a class library that supports UAP Ver 10 application

I have a game that I have programmed with C # / MonoGame. I am currently using Visual Studio 2017 and am planning a release on the Windows App Store. I plan on having 2 versions of the game: one in the Windows App Store and one that doesn't work in UWP (so it can be installed on non-Windows 10).

  • The UWP app targets Windows 10 Anniversary Edition (10.0; Build 14393).
  • Non UWP app targets .Net Framework 4.6.2. (I don't need to target this version of .Net Framework 4.5 or newer would be fine).
  • The class library uses .NetStandard Version 1.5.

The error message is 'XXX.csproj' of target '.NETStandard, Version = v1.5'. It cannot be referenced by a project whose target is "UAP, Version = v10.0.10586".

So, I'm having a hard time figuring out which version of the .Net Standard I need to configure in my class library to support UAP version 10. I'm new to the .NET standard, so the answer is probably simple.


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1 answer

You can find the answer on the .NET Standard GitHub repo . The last supported version in UWP is .NET Standard 1.4 , the next version to be implemented is .NET Standard 2.0 , which will not be available until the Fall devs update (so after summer) as mentioned in Build 2017.



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