What happens when we use the json key as JS codes?

I am from C ++ and know little about JavaScript.

In JavaScript, I know that we can do the following:

    var obj = JSON.parse('{ "name":"John", "age":30, "gibberish":"New York"}');
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = obj.name + ", " + obj.gibberish;


This is an example from W3School. And of course the JSON object could be obtained from anywhere. But I am very curious what happened when we use

    obj.name or obj.gibberish


How could the browser understand these names and gibberish? What's going on behind this? Are there any exceptions that we cannot use this way?



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3 answers

In your case obj

, a JavaScript object, not a JSON object as @zb says. You can convert a JSON string, for example '{ "name":"John", "age":30, "gibberish":"New York"}'

to a JS object, using JSON.parse

. This returns an object. In JavaScript, every object has properties. Because such properties are values โ€‹โ€‹associated with objects. Dot alert obj.name

essentially retrieves the value for the property name

that is defined on obj

. The same applies to obj.gibberish


The browser knows how to handle objects and allows you to access properties using dot notation. Another way to access an object defined on an object is to use the square bracket notation, for example. obj['name']

... This is similar to working with an array, but the difference is that it obj

is an object, not an array. Also, you are not passing in the index, but rather the name of the property (as a string) that you want to access.

What happens behind the scenes is that your code will be interpreted and the expression obj.name

will evaluate as John

and obj.gibberish

evaluate as New York


As for .innerHTML

, you are assigning values โ€‹โ€‹to it as a property name

, gibberish

and you are concatenating it with a comma. In fact, innerHTML

it is another property defined on the object, in your case it is the native DOM element returned document.getElementById("demo")

. It allows you to set the HTML content of this element. Assuming the inner html of an element is <p id="demo"></p>

empty and you call a function where you cast the value to obj.name + ", " + obj.gibberish

, then the HTML content of that element will look like this:

<p id="demo">John, New York</p>


You can see it in action here .

And to answer your last question

Are there any exceptions that we cannot use this way?

No, whenever you are dealing with an object, you can use dot or square bracket notation to access the object's properties. However, you run into problems when accessing the property of what is null

or undefined




There address

is undefined

, which leads to the following error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'street' of undefined

. This does not apply to obj.name.firstname

. Althogh name

has no property called firstname

because it is a string, you won't get the same error. It will just return undefined

. You might think that you can create a property on a string. However, the line is one of the primitive types of JavaScript, as well as number

, boolean

, null

and undefined

. These primitive types cannot have properties. There is only one non-primitive type: Object, which can have properties.

The only exception to what I said above, that I have no properties on primitive types, is if you are using getters and setters. This means that if you have a specific getter for a given property, you can create properties on primitive types. But this is a bit off topic and I would like to redirect you to this and where you can find more information on set

and get




'{ "name":"John", "age":30, "gibberish":"New York"}'

is a string JSON

. You need to convert Json Object using JSON.parse


After being converted to an object, He sees it as

var obj = JSON.parse('{ "name":null,"age":30, "gibberish":"New York"}');

Run codeHide result

See console.log

Object has a pair and a value . You must get a specific value from an object with a respected key.

    var obj = JSON.parse('{ "name":"John", "age":30, "gibberish":"New York"}');

Run codeHide result

eg : obj.name


First get all the data obj

, then get the specific key value representing name

. Same process with all object key value pairs obj.gibberish

=>New York



To access the JSON data

Javascript we use dot notation

. Let's take an example of an object obj


var obj = { "name":"John", "age":30, "gibberish":"New York"}


To access properties, we'll use dot notation like this :

obj.name // John
obj.age // 30
obj.gibberish // New York


Here the variable is listed first obj

, then a period followed by the key to be accessed.

To print the values, we can either use alert()

or console.log()

in JavaScript.

We can also use the square bracket syntax to access the property value from JSON

. To access this, we have to keep the key in double quotes in square brackets. Like this one :

obj["name"] // John
obj["age"] // 30
obj["gibberish"] // New York




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