How to make command line assertions without elm test in Elm 0.18?

I had dozens of Elm 0.17 programs to experiment with the language. Each script contains simple assertions, and the program did and did all of the assertions, and the program would have succeeded (process exit code 0) or failed (process exit code not 0). Here's an example:

module Main exposing (..)

import ElmTest exposing (runSuite, suite, defaultTest, assertEqual)
import List exposing (map)

boss = { name = "Alice", salary = 200000 }
worker = { name = "Bob", salary = 50000, supervisor = boss }
newWorker = { worker | name = "Carol" }

payrollTax : { a | salary : Float } -> Float
payrollTax { salary } = salary * 0.15

main = runSuite <| suite "Exploring records" <| map defaultTest
    [ assertEqual "Alice" (.name boss)
    , assertEqual boss worker.supervisor
    , assertEqual 7500.0 (payrollTax worker)
    , assertEqual boss newWorker.supervisor


Back to Elm 0.17, I would just run

$ elm make records.elm --output tests.js && node tests.js


And great, I would see if the tests worked!

I finally decided to run elm upgrade

to get to 0.18, and now (without much surprise) all these things are broken. Apparently the whole concept has elm-test

now completely changed! Surely elm upgrade

did a good job of updating myelm-package.json

    "dependencies": {
        "elm-community/elm-test": "4.0.0 <= v < 5.0.0",


but a new module no longer has ElmTest

and runSuite

and friends. I read the documents and see what we have now Test

, Expect

and Fuzz

what is good. But it seems that now we have to run

elm test init


and then

elm test


to detect and run all tests. Instead of writing an application with, main

we now, I believe, should put tests in the test directory as modules, exposing the object Test

. Then run elm test


But I am not trying to run tests! I just want to write small scripts that make assertions about language features. I have done this in several dozen other languages ​​and I find it a great way to learn.

How, then, in Elm 0.18, can I create a program that I can run with elm make

or similar, that runs from the command line and has assertions? (I understand Elm is not for command line programs, but it was easy to do in 0.17, so how can I do something like that in 0.18?


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1 answer

You were using an older version of this library. runSuite, assertions, etc. from version 1.0.0 and current version is 4.0.0+.

I recommend you read the 0.17 to 0.18 Upgrade Guide and the docs for elm-community / elm-test latest

Hope this helps.



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