How to rename multiple files in vscode (visual studio code)?

I wonder if there is a way to rename multiple files in Visual Studio Code? I tried to use search and replace with no luck.


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Renaming multiple files in one shot is also known as renaming packages. This cannot be done from Visual Studio Code.

There are two ways to get what you want:

(A) Rename files one by one

  • Go to the Explorer view in the sidebar of VS Code.
  • Select the file you want to rename.
  • Click F2or select Rename

    from this file context menu.
  • Continue from step 2 as long as there are files you want to process.

(B) Batch rename multiple files using other tools

  • Go to the Explorer view in the sidebar of VS Code.
  • Select the file you want to rename.
  • Press Alt+ Ctrl+ Ror select Open Containing Folder

    from the context menu of this file.
  • This will view your operating system file.
  • Batch rename files. How it's done in detail is beyond the scope of this answer (most of the time it just selects all files to process and runs the rename tool).


This is how you can do it on Mac. Right-click

(or ctrl+click

or click with two fingers at the same time on the trackpad if you're using a MacBook) in the folder containing the files you want to rename. Then click " Reveal In Finder

. Then from Finder select all the files you want to rename, right-click

selected files and select Rename X items...

Then you will see something like this:

enter image description here

Insert the line you want to find and the line you want to replace the found line with and click rename. Done 🔨



You cannot rename multiple files at the same time in vscode. The easiest way I have found is to use the free "everything" utility, it takes a few seconds to rename a bunch of files to one or more folders.

  • Open "all" and filter the list of files.
  • Select the files you want to change.
  • select "Change Name" with rButtom
  • The popup will be displayed with the old list, new list, old names and new names, if you change the new name, the new list will change accordingly.


Not an option for Visual Studio Code (yet) ...

... but in Sublime Text with the Dired package, you can enter rename mode with Shift+ R.
This gives you a buffer with each file on its own line:



 Rename files by editing them directly, then:
 Ctrl+Enter = apply changes
 Ctrl+Escape = discard changes


While in rename mode, you can use all the features of a text editor: edit all file names at once with multiple cursors, transpose lines (to rename radio buttons in one fell swoop), find and replace, Text Pastry package can provide you with number ranges, etc. ...

vscode-dired will not let you do this by renaming one at a time.



VS Code only supports one filename. On Windows, to do a batch rename, you can use one of the following


// Change the extensions of all .doc files to .txt
ren *.doc *.txt

// Replace the first three characters of all files starting with 'abc' by 'xyz'
ren abc* xyz*

Get-ChildItem *.txt | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name.Replace('.txt','.log') }


A detailed guide can be found here



brew install rename
rename s/foo/bar/g **/*




You can rename the All Files statement by highlighting it and then pressing CTRL + R and CTRL + R (again). This will replace the selected word / operator throughout the file and (unless you uncheck the tooltip checkbox) in all other files where it matches. I'm not sure if this will answer your question, because this is for text within files, not filenames.



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