How to disable drag and drop in JQuery Nestable list

I am trying to create a nested list using jquery nestable with drag and drop functionality that is disabled in the whole list. Below is my html.

<div class="dd" id="nestable">
<ol class="dd-list">
    <li class="dd-item" id="no-drag">
        <div class="dd-handle">
            <div class="pull-right action-buttons">
                <a class="blue" href="#">
                    <i class="ace-icon fa fa-pencil bigger-130"></i>

                <a class="red" href="#">
                    <i class="ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-130"></i>

        <ol class="dd-list">
            <li class="dd-item" id="no-drag">
                <div class="dd-handle">
                    <div class="pull-right action-buttons">
                        <a class="blue" href="#">
                            <i class="ace-icon fa fa-pencil bigger-130"></i>

                        <a class="red" href="#">
                            <i class="ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-130"></i>

                <ol class="dd-list">
                    <li class="dd-item" id="no-drag">
                        <div class="dd-handle">
                            <div class="pull-right action-buttons">
                                <a class="blue" href="#">
                                    <i class="ace-icon fa fa-pencil bigger-130"></i>

                                <a class="red" href="#">
                                    <i class="ace-icon fa fa-trash-o bigger-130"></i>



My script looks like below ::

                maxDepth: 1,
                group: $(this).prop('id')


At the moment im can create a nested list and the user can change the nested list. I want this feature to be disabled, but I was unable to do it. Please advise.


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4 answers

I had a similar problem and fixed it with CSS pointer-events



    pointer-events: none;

    pointer-events: all;



<label class=""><input id="draggable_list" class="" name="draggable_list" type="checkbox" value="false"> <span>Activate Ordering </span></label>

<div id="list" class="drag_disabled dd">
    <ol class="dd-list">
        <li class="dd-item" data-id="Item 1">
            <div class="dd-handle dd-outline dd-anim">
                Text 1
        <li class="dd-item" data-id="Item 3">
            <div class="dd-handle dd-outline dd-anim">
                Text 2


JavaScript (just switch classes drag_enabled

and drag_disabled


$('#list').nestable({maxDepth: 1});

         $('#list').toggleClass('drag_disabled drag_enabled');




I went through the js file and I find that the drag and drop handling with the dd-handle class.

So if you change the descriptor class name it works like a charm.






You can set maxDepth: 0 This will not disable dragging but will not prevent obj from moving



There is the same problem. You just need to add these CSS codes

      pointer-events: none;
      pointer-events: all;
    pointer-events: auto;
    pointer-events: auto;


And you add JavaScript to the footer

$('#nestable02').nestable({maxDepth: 1});


You disable all pointer events except reversal.

Hope this helps you



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