Fastest way to create numpy 2d array of indices

I want to create a numpy 2d array containing cell indices, for example such a 2x2 math can be created using:



In other words, the cell with the index i,j

must contain a list [i,j]


I could do a nested loop to do this, but I'm wondering if you have a quick pythonic way to do this?


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3 answers

For performance with NumPy, I would suggest an array initialization approach -

def indices_array(n):
    r = np.arange(n)
    out = np.empty((n,n,2),dtype=int)
    out[:,:,0] = r[:,None]
    out[:,:,1] = r
    return out


For general (m,n,2)

-shaped output, we need some modifications:

def indices_array_generic(m,n):
    r0 = np.arange(m) # Or r0,r1 = np.ogrid[:m,:n], out[:,:,0] = r0
    r1 = np.arange(n)
    out = np.empty((m,n,2),dtype=int)
    out[:,:,0] = r0[:,None]
    out[:,:,1] = r1
    return out


Note. Also, read the 2019 addendum in this post. increase with large m

, n


Trial run -

In [145]: n = 3

In [146]: indices_array(n)
array([[[0, 0],
        [0, 1],
        [0, 2]],

       [[1, 0],
        [1, 1],
        [1, 2]],

       [[2, 0],
        [2, 1],
        [2, 2]]])


If you want an 2D

array of 2

columns, just change the shape -

In [147]: indices_array(n).reshape(-1,2)
array([[0, 0],
       [0, 1],
       [0, 2],
       [1, 0],
       [1, 1],
       [1, 2],
       [2, 0],
       [2, 1],
       [2, 2]])


Timing and verification -

In [141]: n = 100   
     ...: out1 = np.array(list(product(range(n), repeat=2))).reshape(n,n,2)
     ...: out2 = indices_array(n)
     ...: print np.allclose(out1, out2)

# @Ofek Ron solution
In [26]: %timeit np.array(list(product(range(n), repeat=2))).reshape(n,n,2)
100 loops, best of 3: 2.69 ms per loop

In [27]: # @Brad Solomon soln    
    ...: def ndindex_app(n):
    ...:    row, col = n,n
    ...:    return np.array(list(np.ndindex((row, col)))).reshape(row, col, 2)

# @Brad Solomon soln 
In [28]: %timeit ndindex_app(n)
100 loops, best of 3: 5.72 ms per loop

# Proposed earlier in this post
In [29]: %timeit indices_array(n)
100000 loops, best of 3: 12.1 ยตs per loop

In [30]: 2690/12.1
Out[30]: 222.31404958677686



acceleration for n=100

with initialization!

Application for 2019

We can also use - np.indices

def indices_array_generic_builtin(m,n):
    return np.indices((m,n)).transpose(1,2,0)


Timing -

In [115]: %timeit indices_array_generic(1000,1000)
     ...: %timeit indices_array_generic_builtin(1000,1000)
100 loops, best of 3: 2.92 ms per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.37 ms per loop




np.array(list(product(range(n), repeat=2))).reshape(n,n,2)


it works



You want np.ndindex


def coords(row, col):
    return np.array(list(np.ndindex((row, col)))).reshape(row, col, 2)

coords(3, 2)
array([[[0, 0],
        [0, 1]],

       [[1, 0],
        [1, 1]],

       [[2, 0],
        [2, 1]]])




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