Cannot convert return expression of type "child" to return type T

I struggle a bit with generics at Swift.

I have the following code:

class Parent {
    init(value: SomeThing) {
        // ...

    func clone<T: Parent>() -> T {        
        return T(value: SomeThing)

class Child : Parent {
    var otherValue: SomeThingElse?

    override func clone<T>() -> T where T : Parent {        
        let clone: Child = super.clone()
        clone.otherValue = self.otherValue
        return clone  //ERROR: cannot convert return expression of type 'Child' to return type T


The idea is to create a simple method that returns a new copy of the child instance with the same values. I don't want to write a constructor for every child class. (it has a lot of parameters in real classes and I like to keep it clean).

The error I am getting: The cannot convert return expression of type 'Child' to return type T

suggested solution is to do it return clone as! T

. But this way I lose the reason for using the generic class.

Any idea how to solve this problem while keeping it generalized and not writing out a constructor in every class?


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1 answer

You need to have a return type Self

and not use a generic placeholder bound to Parent

. With a generic placeholder, you say you clone()

can return an instance of any particular concrete type that inherits from Parent

. However, this is not the case - you only want to return instances of the same type as the receiver, which is expressed Self


Then you also need to implement an initializer required

so that it can call all subclasses, allowing you clone()

to call them without having to override them.

struct Something {}
struct SomethingElse {}

class Parent {

    var something: Something

    required init(something: Something) {
        self.something = something

    func clone() -> Self {
        // call the initialiser on the dynamic metatype of the instance,
        // ensuring that we're instantiating a Self instance.
        return type(of: self).init(something: something)


The implementation Child

should then be as simple as:

class Child : Parent {

    var somethingElse: SomethingElse?

    override func clone() -> Self {
        let clone = super.clone()
        clone.somethingElse = somethingElse
        return clone


However, unfortunately, the call clone()

to super

returns an instance statically injected as Parent

, not Self

- it's filed as an error .

To get around this, you'll have to do some violent hacking:

override func clone() -> Self {

    let clone = super.clone() as! Child
    clone.somethingElse = somethingElse

    func forceCast<T>(_ value: Child) -> T { return value as! T }
    return forceCast(clone)


The nested function forceCast(_:)

here is good for addressing the fact that we currently cannot directly use Self

in a method (compare Return instancetype in Swift ). And the force executed in this case will always succeed because it super.clone()

will always return an instance Self

, so this method should have Child




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