How do I declare a pointer to a pointer to a constant in C ++?

I am trying to write a function to parse command line arguments. This is the function declaration:

void parse(int, char const **);


Just in case, I've also tried it (const char)**

, const char **

and cchar **

with help typedef const char cchar

. However, all of them (as expected, since they should all be the same) result in an error if I pass a char **

to a function, as in:

void main(int argc, char **argv) {
    parse(argc, argv);


The error I get from the GNU compiler is error: invalid conversion from 'char**' to 'const char**'

, and one from Clang is candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'char **' to 'const char **' for 2nd argument


I've seen solutions like this that suggested declaring a pointer to pointer const to char ( const char * const *

), but I don't want any pointer to be const, because I want to be able to modify the pointer so that I can iterate over the argument using for(; **argv; ++*argv)

. How can I declare "non-const pointer to non-const pointer to const char"?


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2 answers

The safest signature that prevents modification of arguments by allowing any other combination to const

call the function:

parse(int argc, char const* const* argv);


This means it argv

is a pointer to a pointer const

toconst char

You can happily iterate over parameters like this:

for(auto arg = argv + 1; *arg; ++arg)
    if(!std::strcmp(*arg, "--help"))
        return print_help();
    else if(!std::strcmp(*arg, "-v") || !std::strcmp(*arg, "--verbose"))
        verbose_flag = true;
    // ... etc...


Note, there is no need to accept a variable int argc

because the array of character arrays is null terminated.

So I usually use this:

struct config
    // program options and switches

config parse_commandline(char const* const* argv);




The function must be declared as:

void parse(int, char const * const *);


In C ++ it char **

can implicitly add const

at all pointer depths, so you can call it like parse(argc, argv)


In C, const

can only be added at the first pointer depth (this is a design defect in the language). Here is the dedicated stream . So you have to call the function like: parse(argc, (char const * const *)argv);




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