Horizontal linear progress bar like Android in iOS

How to implement horizontal progress bar in iOS like Android.

IOS progress like Android

I tried the following and found a solution like deteminate .

func startSendPickUpRequestShakeTimer () {

        if self.movingViewTimer == nil {
            self.movingViewTimer =  Timer.scheduledTimer(
                timeInterval: TimeInterval(movingViewSpeed),
                target      : self,
                selector    : #selector(self.startAnimating),
                userInfo    : nil,
                repeats     : true)

func startAnimating() {

        let movingViewX = movingView.frame.minX >= view.frame.maxX ? 0-movingView.frame.width-forwardX:movingView.frame.minX + forwardX

        self.movingView.frame = CGRect(x: movingViewX, y: movingView.frame.minY, width: movingView.frame.width, height: moviewViewHeight)



But how can I implement others, or is there a good resource for this?


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