ReactiveUI 6.5 ReactiveList.ItemChanged not firing on UnitTest

I have a ReactiveList with View Models with a "Selected" property. When I try to set this property from a unit test, the Subscription to ReactiveList.ItemChanged is not called. It does work, however, when the application is started and the "Selected" property is run from a checkbox in the user interface. Is there something magic I have to do to make ReactiveList.ItemChanged work in a unit testing environment? By the way, I am using ReactiveUI 6.5.

WellsViewModels = new ReactiveList<WellViewModel> { ChangeTrackingEnabled = true };

var selectedWellsObservable =
        this.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.WellSamplesFunc)
            .Select(_ => Enumerable.Empty<IPropertyModelingWell>()),
            .Where(x => x.PropertyName == nameof(WellViewModel.Selected))
            .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), RxApp.MainThreadScheduler)
            .Select(_ => WellsViewModels.Where(vm => vm.Selected)
                                        .Select(vm => vm.Well).ToList())

    .Select(_ => ComputeAllCheckedState(WellsViewModels))
    .Subscribe(b => CheckAllWells = b) // <--- This is never invoked when unit-testing!?!

public void CheckAllWells_UpdatedWhenWellsViewModelsSelectionChanges()
    new TestScheduler().With(scheduler =>
        // Arrange

        // Act
        _viewModel.WellsViewModels[0].Selected = true;

        // Assert



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