Can I upload Avro files using Snappy compression to BigQuery?

I know BigQuery supports Avro file uploads, and I am able to upload Avro file to BigQuery.

Using the command below,

java -jar avro-tools-1.7.7.jar fromjson --codec snappy --schema-file SourceSchema.avsc Source.json > Output.snappy.avro


I created an Avro file with Snappy compression and is trying to upload to BigQuery, but Upload error with errors below.

file-00000000: The Apache Avro library failed to parse file file-00000000. (error code: invalid)


Can I upload Avro files using Snappy compression in BigQuery?


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2 answers

BigQuery only supports the DEFLATE and Snappy algorithm for compressing Avro data blocks, from the docs ( )

Avro compressed files are not supported, but compressed chunks are found. BigQuery supports DEFLATE and Snappy codecs.



BigQuery now supports Snappy. See:

Avro compressed files are not supported, but compressed chunks are found. BigQuery supports DEFLATE and Snappy codecs.



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