Quoted string output

I am getting put line as shown below

{key: IsReprint, value: COPY}; {key: IsCancelled, value: CANCELED}

I want to convert above string like below in my output ... I want to add quotes to string (key, value pairs).

{"key": "IsReprint", "value":"COPY"};{"key": "IsCancelled", "value":"CANCELLED"}


Please help .. thanks in advance.

    String input="{key: IsReprint, value:COPY};{key: IsCancelled,value:CANCELLED}";
    if(input.contains("key:") && input.contains("value:") ){
        input=input.replaceAll("key", "\"key\"");       
        input=input.replaceAll("value", "\"value\"");       
        input=input.replaceAll(":", ":\""); 
        input=input.replaceAll("}", "\"}"); 
        input=input.replaceAll(",", "\","); 
        //System.out.println("OUTPUT----> "+input);


I have above code has problem if input line is below

{key: BDTV, value: Africa Ltd | Reg. No .: 433323240833-C23441, GffBLAB | VAT number: 4746660239035
Level 6}


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6 answers

You can use a regular expression to accomplish the same, but more succinctly:

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class JsonScanner {

    private final static String JSON_REGEX = "\\{key: (.*?), value:(.*?)(\\};|\\}$)";

     * Splits the JSON string into key/value tokens.
     * @param json  the JSON string to format
     * @return  the formatted JSON string
    private String findMatched(String json) {
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(JSON_REGEX);
        Matcher m = p.matcher(json);
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

        while (m.find()) {
            result.append("\"key\"=\"" + m.group(1) + "\", ");
            result.append("\"value\"=\"" + m.group(2) + "\" ; ");
            System.out.println("m.group(1)=" + m.group(1) + " ");
            System.out.println("m.group(2)=" + m.group(2) + " ");
            System.out.println("m.group(3)=" + m.group(3) + "\n");

        return result.toString();

    public static void main(String... args) {
        JsonScanner jsonScanner = new JsonScanner();
        String result = jsonScanner.findMatched("{key: TVREG, value:WestAfrica Ltd | VAT No: 1009034324829/{834324}<br/>Plot No.56634773,Road};{key: REGISTRATION, value:SouthAfricaLtd | VAT No: 1009034324829/{834324}<br />Plot No. 56634773, Road}");



You may need to tweak the regex or output string to suit your exact requirements, but that should give you an idea of ​​how to start ...



You need to avoid symbols

How do I escape a string in Java?

For example:
  String s = "{\" key \ ": \" IsReprint \ "; // will be printed as {" key ":" IsReprint "



The double quote character must be escaped with a backslash in a Java string literal. Other symbols requiring special treatment include:

Carriage return and newline: "\ r" and "\ n" Backslash: "\" Single quote: "\" Horizontal tab and feed form: "\ t" and "\ f".



This gives the exact result you want!

public static void main(String s[]){
     String test = "{key: TVREG, value:WestAfrica Ltd | VAT No: 1009034324829/{834324}<br />Plot No. 56634773, Road};{key: REGISTRATION, value:SouthAfricaLtd | VAT No: 1009034324829/{834324}<br />Plot No. 56634773, Road}";
         StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder();
                   String[] keyValOld = test.split(";");

                   for(int j=0; j<keyValOld.length; j++){
                       String keyVal = keyValOld[j].substring(1,keyValOld[j].length()-1);

                       String[] parts = keyVal.split("(:)|(,)",4);
                       for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 2) { 
                           sb.append("\""+parts[i].trim()+"\": \""+parts[i + 1].trim()+"\"");
                           if(i+2<parts.length) sb.append(", ");




Here is a solution using regexp to split your input into key / value pairs and then aggregate the result in the format you want:

// Split key value pairs
final String regexp = "\\{(.*?)\\}";
final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regexp);
final Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
final List<String[]> keyValuePairs = new ArrayList<>();
while (m.find())
    final String[] keyValue = input.substring(m.start() + 1, m.end() - 1) // "key: IsReprint, value:COPY"
        .substring(5) // "IsReprint, value:COPY"
        .split(", value:"); // ["IsReprint", "COPY"]

// Aggregate
final List<String> newKeyValuePairs = keyValuePairs.stream().map(keyValue ->
    return "{\"key\": \"" + keyValue[0] + "\", \"value\":\"" + keyValue[1] + "\"}";

System.out.println(StringUtils.join(newKeyValuePairs.toArray(), ";"));


Result for the next input line

final String input = "{key: IsReprint, value:COPY};{key: IsCancelled, value:CANCELLED};{key: BDTV, value:Africa Ltd | Reg No: 433323240833-C23441,GffBLAB | VAT No: 4746660239035<br />Level 6}";


there is {"key": "IsReprint", "value":"COPY"};{"key": "IsCancelled", "value":"CANCELLED"};{"key": "BDTV", "value":"Africa Ltd | Reg No: 433323240833-C23441,GffBLAB | VAT No: 4746660239035<br />Level 6"}



import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class NewClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input="{key: IsReprint, value:COPY};{key: IsCancelled, value:CANCELLED};{key: BDTV,value:Africa Ltd | Reg No: 433323240833-C23441,GffBLAB | VAT No: 4746660239035 Level 6}";
        Matcher m1 = Pattern.compile("key:" + "(.*?)" + ",\\s*value:").matcher(input);
        Matcher m2 = Pattern.compile("value:" + "(.*?)" + "}").matcher(input);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while(m1.find() && m2.find()){
              sb.append("{\"key\": ")
                .append("\", \"value\":")
        String output = sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length()-1).toString();




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