Recursive Lensing Type

I am trying to create code that can accept any recursive grammar datatype and any expression of that datatype, and create a list of all subexpressions of the same type, like a scan

over type recursion.

I wrote the two below examples for the accompanying toy calculator grammar type EExp

. The first example uses prisms and lenses from the Lens library and will work with only one expression eg1

, while the second function just uses the processed code, but will work with any expression EExp


Ideally, I could use the haskell pattern or something to automatically build a recursive function that could focus on each of the expressions of any type of expression in that type (e.g. prism / lens) and therefore print out a list of all parts easily too any expression given to him.

I'm a bit stuck though, with what to try and research further with. Any help is really appreciated!

import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import qualified Control.Lens.TH as LTH

-- Syntax for toy language

data EExp a
  = ELit a
  | EAdd (EExp a) (EExp a)
  | EMul (EExp a) (EExp a)
  | ESub (EExp a) (EExp a)
  deriving Show

-- build out a set of focus functions using lens / TH

LTH.makePrisms ''EExp

-- An example "text" in the Syntax

eg1 :: EExp Int
eg1 = EAdd
        (ELit 1)
        (EAdd (ELit 2) (ELit 0))

-- using lenses, we build out all the
-- EExp possibilities from the example "text":

lensedOptions :: Show a => EExp a -> [EExp a]
lensedOptions exp =
    maybeGet l = Lens.preview l exp
    listMaybes =
      [ Just exp
      , maybeGet (_EAdd.(Lens._1))
      , maybeGet (_EAdd.(Lens._2))
      , maybeGet (_EAdd.(Lens._2)._EAdd.(Lens._1))
      , maybeGet (_EAdd.(Lens._2)._EAdd.(Lens._2))
    maybe [] id $ sequenceA listMaybes

printEm :: IO ()
printEm = sequence_ $ map print $ lensedOptions eg1

-- using handwritten code, we build out all the
-- EExp possibilities from the example "text":

buildOptions :: Show a => EExp a -> [EExp a]
buildOptions exp =
    buildBinOpts e1 e2 = [exp] ++ buildOptions e1 ++ buildOptions e2
    case exp of
      ELit i -> [exp]
      EAdd e1 e2 ->
        buildBinOpts e1 e2
      EMul e1 e2 ->
        buildBinOpts e1 e2
      ESub e1 e2 ->
        buildBinOpts e1 e2

printEm2 :: IO ()
printEm2 = sequence_ $ map print $ buildOptions eg1



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1 answer

You are looking for the Control.Lens.Plated module .

First add the output Data


{-# language DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Data
import Data.Data.Lens
import Control.Lens -- for universeOf function

data EExp a
  = ELit a
  | EAdd (EExp a) (EExp a)
  deriving (Show, Data) 



> buildOptions eg1
[EAdd (ELit 1) (EAdd (ELit 2) (ELit 0)),ELit 1,EAdd (ELit 2) (ELit 0),ELit 2,ELit 0]

> universeOf uniplate eg1
[EAdd (ELit 1) (EAdd (ELit 2) (ELit 0)),ELit 1,EAdd (ELit 2) (ELit 0),ELit 2,ELit 0]


The object uniplate

performs the bulk of the magic; using the information provided by the Data

, it can go one step into any kind- Data

friendly data structure to find itself-different children. It also does some high-level caching gymnastics to make the traversals effective, but we can safely ignore that.

universeOf uniplate

calls again uniplate

to find all transitive children.

For more information on Data.Data

, view Cancel Paper Boilerplate from LΓ€mmel and SPJ.



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